Minggu, 27 Juli 2008

When Pessimism Prevails, It's Time to Get Rich

Robert Kiyosaki Why the Rich Get Richer

Robert Kiyosaki, Why the Rich Get Richer

When Pessimism Prevails, It's Time to Get Rich

by Robert Kiyosaki


Good (820 Ratings)
Posted on Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 12:00AM

If you're serious about getting rich, now is the time. We've entered a period of mass-produced pessimism, when bad news is everywhere, and the best time to invest is when optimists become pessimists.

The Weird Turn Pro

Journalist Hunter S. Thompson used to say, "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." That's true in investing, too: At the height of every market boom, the weird turn into professional investors. In 2000, millions of people became professional day traders or investors in dotcom companies. Mutual funds had a record net inflow of $309 billion that year, too.

In an earlier column, I stated that it was time to sell all nonperforming real estate. My market indicator? A checkout girl at the local supermarket, who handed me her real estate agent card. She was quitting her job to become a real estate professional.

As a bull market turns into a bear market, the new pros turn into optimists, hoping and praying the bear market will become a bull and save them. But as the market remains bearish, the optimists become pessimists, quit the profession, and return to their day jobs. This is when the real professional investors re-enter the market. That's what's happening now.

Pessimism vs. Realism

In 1987, the United States experienced one of the biggest stock market crashes in history. The savings and loan industry was wiped out. Real estate crashed and a federal bailout entity known as the Resolution Trust Corporation, or the RTC, was formed. The RTC took from the financially foolish and gave to the financially smart.

Right on schedule 20 years later, Dow Industrials and Transports struck their last highs together in July 2007. Since then, nothing but bad news has emerged. In August 2007 a new word surfaced in the world's vocabulary: subprime. That October, I appeared on a number of television shows and was asked when the market would turn and head back up. My reply was, "This is a bad one. The worst is yet to come."

Many of the optimistic TV hosts got angry with me, asking me why I was so pessimistic. I told them, "The difference between an optimist and a pessimist is that a pessimist is a realist. I'm just being realistic."

As we all know, things only got worse in early 2008, with the demise of Bear Stearns and the Federal Reserve stepping in to save investment bankers. In February, many of those optimistic TV (and print) reporters became pessimists -- and when journalists become pessimists, the public follows. By March, mutual funds had a net outflow of $45 billion as investors fled the market.

Surviving the Bad Times

Back in 1987, as savings and loans closed and investors' stock and real estate portfolios were wiped out, my wife, Kim, and I were living in Portland, Ore. Many people were depressed and hiding from the truth. The following year, I said to Kim, "Now is the time for you to begin investing."

In 1989, she purchased a two-bedroom, one-bathroom house for $45,000, putting $5,000 down and earning $25 a month in positive cash flow. Today, she owns over 1,400 units and -- because more people are renting than buying -- she earns hundreds of thousands a year in positive cash flow.

The period from 1987 to 1995 was a rough one, even for the rich. In his book "The Art of the Comeback," my friend Donald Trump writes about being a billion dollars down at the time. Rather than give up, he kept on fighting to survive. He and I often talk about how that period was great for character development.

Two-Year Warning

I believe we're through the worst of the current bust. I know there will be more aftershocks, and the news will continue to be pessimistic for at least two more years, possibly until the summer of 2010.

But the upside to this is that it gives us at least two years to do our market research and find the next big stock or real estate bargain. Before buying, I strongly suggest you study, read books, and take courses on your asset of choice. If your choice is stocks, take a course on stocks or options. If it's real estate, take a course on real estate. Now is the time to learn; not only will you know more than the average person and be in a good position when the market turns, but you'll also meet people with a similar mindset.

You have about two years to get into position. Opportunities this big don't come along often, so this is your time to get rich.

Climbing Bulls, Flying Bears

Am I optimistic for the long-term? Absolutely not. I still believe we're due for the mother of all market crashes, and that the U.S. economy is running on borrowed time -- and I do mean borrowed. I think most baby boomers are in serious financial trouble, and that oil will climb above $200 a barrel. Inflation will also increase, causing more pain for the poor and middle class.

The Fed is flooding the market with nearly a trillion dollars of liquidity, which is why I believe gold under $1,200 an ounce and silver under $30 an ounce are bargains. Gold and silver should peak and decline before 2020, completing two 20-year cycles. My exit is to sell silver around 2015. I plan to hold onto gold, income-producing real estate, oil wells, and stocks.

Most of us know the bull climbs slowly up the stairs, but the bear jumps out the window. I believe the bull is still climbing the stairs, and the bear hasn't jumped yet. But rest assured that it will.



Robert Kiyosaki Why the Rich Get Richer

Robert Kiyosaki, Why the Rich Get Richer

To Get Rich, Seek Out Rich Financial Advice

by Robert Kiyosaki

Good (1442 Ratings)
Posted on Tuesday, May 27, 2008, 12:00AM

I've been on television recently discussing the U.S. financial crisis. These shows often feature a panel of so-called financial experts who rarely agree with each other. The reason their advice is different is simply because each expert speaks to a different segment of the population.

Giving Credit

For example, Suze Orman, Dave Ramsey, and Larry Winget speak to people who are deep in credit card debt. Their advice is excellent, direct, practical, and to the point. I should know -- in the late 1970s, I was one of the debt-ridden people they're speaking to. I was deeply in debt because my business was suffering and I was using credit cards to live on. Instead of paying off my credit card, I'd get a new credit card and use that one to pay off the old credit card. I, too, once used a home equity loan to invest in my business -- and lost it all.

At my lowest point, I was nearly $700,000 in debt. One evening, I attempted to check into a motel in upstate New York and my credit card was declined. I slept in the car that night. Many people might say that this was a horrible experience, but that isn't true -- it was a wake-up call. It was clearly time to look in the mirror and face who I really was. I realized that if I wasn't going to be tough on me, the world would take on the job.

Today, older and wiser, I have tremendous respect for the power of debt and the value of credit. Credit is another word for trustworthiness. I'm currently millions of dollars in debt, but it's good debt invested in income-producing real estate. While millions of homeowners are threatened with foreclosure, my investment real estate is doing very well. In fact, I'm doing even better because more people are renting than buying.

The Strata of Financial Advice

If you're deeply in debt like I was and want to get rich someday, I suggest you start by following the advice of Orman, Ramsey, and Winget. For a certain portion of the population, their advice is very rich indeed.

But there are other types of financial advice, some of it not nearly as beneficial. The lowest kind assures people that the government will take care of them. This is what the people who are counting on Social Security and Medicare have been led to believe. The problem is that the U.S. government is the biggest debtor in the world, and those depending on it to take care of them will only become poorer.

Another type of bad financial advice tells us to get a safe job, save money, live below our means, buy a house, get out of debt, and invest for the long term in a well-diversified portfolio of mutual funds. On those financial TV shows, I get into the most head-butting with the so-called financial experts who subscribe to this philosophy. That's because, according to the Census Bureau, in 1999 the average U.S. income was $49,244. By 2006, the average income declined to $48,201. This means that U.S. workers haven't had a pay raise for seven years. So much for the advice about getting a safe job -- it's the opposite of rich advice.

Diversify at Your Peril

Moreover, in January 2008 the Federal Reserve Board dropped the interest rate twice over a period of just eight days, by a record 1.25 percent. If my crystal ball is accurate, I expect another .5 percent drop sometime later this year. Savers are actually losers, then, because interest rates are low and inflation is high. So urging people to save money isn't rich advice, either.

Finally, the S&P stood at 1,352.99 in March 2008, which is below its mark of 1,362.80 in April of 1999. So much for the advice of investing for the long term in a well-diversified portfolio of mutual funds -- that's also not rich advice.

Warren Buffett has said that diversification is for people who don't know what they're doing. And my rich dad once told me, "Diversifying is like going to a horse race and betting on every horse. The only way you win is if the darkest of dark horses wins." So my concern is that people who follow this second type of financial advice may actually wind up poor in the long term.

Get Rich, Stay Rich

So there's different financial advice for different people, and the price of poor advice is that millions will be poor if they follow advice that isn't aimed at them.

To become rich, I recommend investing in your financial education. There's a difference between that and financial advice. A solid financial education allows you to know the difference between good advice and bad advice, rich advisers and poor advisers.

If you want to become rich -- and remain that way -- it's important to know what financial advice is best for you.



Robert Kiyosaki Why the Rich Get Richer

Robert Kiyosaki, Why the Rich Get Richer

Survival of the Richest

by Robert Kiyosaki

Very Good (1578 Ratings)
Posted on Monday, April 14, 2008, 12:00AM

Most of us are aware of the sacrificial slaughter of Bear Sterns. Some people call it a bailout, but I call it a handout -- a government handout to some of the richest people on Earth, paid for by American taxpayers.

It's the survival of the richest, and the poorest be damned. There's something dismal about a society that operates by those values.

The Economy on Life Support

I understand why the Federal Reserve did what it did with Bear Stearns. The Fed was doing its job -- acting as the lender of last resort, pumping money into a dying system. It wanted to prevent a run on the bank and economic chaos. It was a very creative financing move, using the Fed's magic checkbook to pump more liquidity into a thirsty market -- sort of like a physician administering life-saving measures to a critically wounded patient.

My problem with the move is that the Fed saved this patient because it's a wealthy one. Saving the biggest investment banks in America is welfare for the rich. Would the Fed do that for you or me if we screwed up our investment portfolio? Is the Fed going to bail out the millions of people facing foreclosure because the value of their homes is less than their mortgages? If I'm a small-business owner and fall behind on my taxes, is the Fed going to pay my taxes for me? If I can't pay off my college loan, will the fed pay it for me?

Aren't these investment bankers supposed to be the smartest guys in the world? Aren't they the people we entrust with our investment and retirement money? Aren't they supposed to be financially fit? Some blame subprime borrowers as the culprits in this mess, but the supposedly brilliant investment bankers bought their mortgages. Was that smart?

A Handout for the Rich

This bailout was a signal to Wall Street that the Fed stands behind them -- that they're on the same team. It was a thumbs-up to the super-rich: "Do what you want. If you screw up, we'll cover your blunders."

Ralph Nader's father purportedly once said that "Capitalism will never fail because Socialism will always bail it out." My concern, especially in this election year, is that socialists will seek revenge. Already I can hear the war cry "tax the rich!" The problem with taxing the truly rich is that the rich simply move their money to countries that treat them and their money with undue respect. And when the rich move their money, the poor and middle class end up paying more taxes.

Not only will taxes go up, but the prices of food and fuel will increase, because the purchasing power of the dollar will continue to decline. This rise in cost of living, plus higher taxes and stagnant wages, could lead to unrest -- protests, riots, and possibly chaos. In other words, what the Federal Reserve was attempting to prevent may happen anyway.

When Capitalism Stumbles

Bailing out the rich means over $800 billion from the Fed's magic checkbook entered the market. Immediately, the stock market rebounded and the price of gold and silver declined. The U.S. dollar strengthened against the euro. While this looks like a good sign, I'm afraid the problem isn't solved. The inevitable may only have been delayed.

Our problem is a toxic U.S. dollar. Printing funny money steals from the poor and middle class, savers, and the elderly. It may be legal, but it isn't moral or ethical. As long as the Fed is allowed to wield its power at will, the prices for food and fuel will only go up.

So will the price of gold and silver. Some are calling for gold and silver to go over $2,500 and $200 an ounce, respectively. Some even believe gold will go as high as $5,000 an ounce. I hope not. While I get excited about seeing the gold I purchased for less than $300 an ounce flirt with $1,000 an ounce, I also begin to worry.

The rise in the price of gold is a sign that capitalism has stumbled. And when capitalism stumbles, workers' wages buy less and savings are wiped out. Even gains from the stock market are diminished because our dollar gains are worth less.

Troubles Past and Present

Throughout history, when capitalism stumbles chaos erupts and sometimes despots take over. For example:

In 1897, the Russian ruble was pegged to gold and a period of relative economic growth followed. Russia went off the gold standard to finance World War I. The government fell to the Bolsheviks in 1917, and the Russian mafia took control of the economy.

After World War I, the German middle class was wiped out and Adolf Hitler was voted into power in 1933.

In the 1930s, China was the only country on the silver standard. In 1935, the nationalist Chinese government started issuing paper money. In 1937, in order to fight the Japanese, the government began printing funny money. The value of their currency went from four yuan per dollar in 1936 to a trillion yuan per dollar in 1949. In May of 1949, the Chinese government fell to Mao Tse-Tung and the Communists.

In 1984, Yugoslavia hosted the Winter Olympics just as their currency, the dinar, began to devalue. In 1989, the IMF recommended more devaluation and the freezing of workers' wages. Rioting broke out, and in 1989 Communist party leader Slobodan Milsoevic was elected into power. Yugoslavia broke apart as war and ethnic cleansing began.

As capitalism falters, the rich move their money out of the country, violence increases, and politicians promising prosperity are elected. It's happened before, and I fear it's happening again. Trouble brews when we steal from the poor and give to the rich.



Robert Kiyosaki Why the Rich Get Richer

Robert Kiyosaki, Why the Rich Get Richer

The Profit of Doom

by Robert Kiyosaki

Very Good (1135 Ratings)
Posted on Monday, March 3, 2008, 12:00AM

Prophets of doom have always taken risks in terms of ridicule and humiliation. If you stand on a street corner holding up a sign that reads "The End Is Near," passersby will laugh and heckle. People will say you're like Chicken Little, running around telling people the sky is falling.

Yet after an economic crash like the subprime-induced one we're experiencing now, people always say, "Why didn't someone warn us?" or "What's the government doing to save us?"

Well, in May, the government will reward the kind of greed and ignorance that sparked the subprime mess with a $168 billion stimulus package. Instead of heeding the warnings of the markets, the incompetent and irresponsible get bonus checks. Small wonder the country has money problems.

Ignored Warning

As for "the end is near" proclamations, the Jan. 11, 2008, U.S. edition of the Financial Times published one of the biggest ones I've ever seen. Next to a photo of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, the front-page headline read, "U.S.'s Triple-A Credit Rating Under Threat."

Unfortunately, not many people paid attention to it. I doubt that many people even know what it means, or what Moody's is, or why their warning is important. In overly simplified terms, Moody's was saying that the United States may soon become a subprime nation.

That is, the world markets will no longer recognize us as a financially responsible country, and we won't be able to maintain our financial and economic supremacy. In short, the end really is near -- from Moody's perspective, it's less than 10 years away.

The Empire in Decline

Worse, none of the leading presidential candidates even mentions this potential downgrading of credit worthiness as a problem. While I think it's noble that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton campaign for universal health care, I've never heard either of them mention the fact that we can't afford the health care we already have.

Do I think John McCain (or, in a long-shot, Mike Huckabee) would do a better job than the Democrats? No. I have no confidence in either party or the current processes of government to tackle this issue. The problems of health care and Social Security have grown too big and are clearly beyond our control.

All empires come to an end, and the American one is no exception. We've fought too many foreign wars, swept too many domestic problems under the rug, and paid for our greedy consumption with money borrowed from too many countries around the world. The end isn't just near, it's inevitable.

Bad Times, Few Solutions

In less than three years, the first of approximately 75 million American baby boomers will turn 65. No government can change that, so until someone discovers the fountain of youth the end is not far away. In a few years, the U.S. government will begin to operate in the red, paying for campaign promises made years ago by politicians who are no longer in power.

Do the math. If 75 million baby boomers begin collecting $1,000 a month in Social Security and Medicare benefits, that comes to $75 billion in additional monthly spending. That's a lot more than the one-time $168 billion stimulus package due out in May.

Why would anyone want to run for president at this point in history? Do they believe they can solve our growing economic problems? Or will they do what every other politician has done in the past -- simply leave the problems for their successor to solve?

Don't get me wrong -- I'm impressed with the people running for president. I love the fact that we have a woman, an African-American, a war hero, and a Baptist minister to choose from. I just feel the looming financial problems are beyond their control.

The Looming Gloom

Do I see doom and gloom ahead? Absolutely. But I also see tremendous opportunities made possible by the impending murk. In fact, that Financial Times article about the downgrading of U.S. credit worthiness only validates my current investment strategies.

Regardless of what our national credit rating is, people will always want a roof over their heads, food on their tables, fuel for their cars, and clothes on their backs. Instead of betting on the Democrats or Republicans to take care of me, I would rather count on my financial IQ to guide me through the coming years. I see it as my personal responsibility to invest wisely in the equities of strong companies, well-financed real estate, energy, commodities, and precious metals, and minimize my taxes.

The people I'm concerned about are the ones who are watching their retirement accounts dropping in value with the stock market, their homes lose value rather than appreciate, and their purchasing power decline as the dollar drops.

Always a Silver Lining

For these people I'm an advocate of financial education, but I also know that many of them aren't interested in becoming more financially astute. So instead, I recommend that they buy silver coins, as long as silver is under $25 an ounce. Today, silver is cheap and easy to acquire and manage, while real estate and businesses are both management-intensive; silver requires no management, expect for a safe storage place. In addition, the iShares silver ETF (SLV) is convenient.

Silver is consumed in many industries, and it's reported that the world has less than a 10-year supply of it left. That's why I believe silver is currently one of the best investment opportunities there is -- even for people with limited financial training.

Even if the end is near, there's always a silver lining


Rabu, 09 Juli 2008

Andre, Are You Committed To Your Success?


Adam Khoo

to me
show details Jul 4 (5 days ago)

To find out more the Patterns Of Excellence
and how you can use Neuro-Linguistic Programming
to take charge of your life, visit:

=> http://www.Patterns-Of-Excellence.com

Hi Andre,

Are you committed to succeed? That's right. Think about that
question. Are you committed to succeed?

Very often by asking people, "How many of you are committed to
succeed?" Very often not many people put up their hands. Only a
couple. But what I found out in life is this, in life only five
percent of people I've met, are truly committed to get the results
they want in life, and are truly committed to succeed.

Now, does it mean to say that the ninety-five percent of people
don't want to succeed?

Of course not, everybody wants to succeed. But the difference is
that ninety-five percent of people, they want to succeed; they wish
to succeed; they hope to succeed; they prefer to succeed; they
would like to succeed, they think that they should succeed, but
guess what they are not committed to succeed and commitment is the
difference that makes a difference.

So what's the difference? The difference is when you're committed
to do something, it becomes a must. It's not a should, it's not a
could, it's not a like to, it's a must. Because when something is a
must for you, you operate from a very different frame of mind. When
something is a must, guess what, you will do whatever it takes to
get it done, provided it is ethical, it's legal, and it's moral.

Unfortunately, many people don't work from this frame of mind. Most
people only wish to succeed.

So they only do things as long as it's within their comfort zone.
As long as they feel comfortable, as long as it is not too painful.
Every time you push them beyond the comfort zone, guess what will
they do?

They will keep within their comfort zone, give a lot of excuses and
say, "You know I can't do it because I don't have the time; I don't
have the energy; I don't have the money; I don't have the resources
I am not young enough". All kinds of excuses.

In the last ten, fifteen, twenty years of your life, have you ever
wanted to do something, but you kept putting it on hold and not
take any action?

At the same time, are there things in your life that you made sure
you had them done?
Why is this so? The reason these things got done was because these
things had become a must for you.

Whatever you really want to achieve in your life, make it a must.

So ask yourself this question truly, "Am I really committed to

To your success!

Adam Khoo

Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group Pte Ltd,
10 Hoe Chiang Road, #01-01 Keppel Towers, Singapore 089315

Andre, 'Dopey' Sylvester Stallone Made his Dream of Stardom a Must


fromAdam Khoo
dateSat, Jul 5, 2008 at 3:35 PM
subjectAndre, 'Dopey' Sylvester Stallone Made his Dream of Stardom a Must

hide details Jul 5 (4 days ago)

To Discover The 6 Simple Steps That Transformed A Former School
Delinquent Into A MILLIONAIRE At Just Age 26, Simply Visit:

=> http://www.PavingTheWayToTheTop.com

Hi Andre,

Surely one of the best examples of the power of commitment and how
doing whatever it takes will get you what you want' is the story
of Sylvester Stallone.

At his peak, Stallone was one of the most popular and highly paid
stars in Hollywood, commanding a fee of US$20m per movie. Was he
just born under a lucky star?

Was he a naturally talented actor? Was he at the right place at the
right time? Hardly. He was someone who seemed to have all the odds
stacked up against him.

His family was so poor that his mother had to give birth to him on
the doorsteps of a school. A blotched delivery by students caused a
facial nerve to be severed, leaving him paralyzed on the right side
of his face.

As a result, Stallone had to live the rest of his life with slurred
speech. He even had to deal with having a drooping lower lip and
being made fun of because of his name 'Sylvester' (associated with
the Looney Tunes cat).

Despite all these limitations, young Stallone dreamed of becoming
an actor and inspiring millions of people through his movies.

As you know many young people go through a phase of wanting to be
an actor, a star ...the difference between Stallone and the rest of
youthful dreamers was that his dream was not a merely wishful

To Stallone, it was an absolute must. He was truly committed to
doing whatever it took to make it happen.

First he enrolled in acting school and then started going for
auditions. Predictably, with his wooden acting, his dopey looks and
his slurred speech, Stallone was rejected for every part he applied
for. But he never gave up. Doggedly he just kept changing his
strategy and taking action.

The way he landed his first part is a fine example of how he was
willing to do whatever it took. When he was rejected after yet
another audition, he pulled up a chair in front of the manager's
office and sat down, refusing to leave unless they gave him a

After sitting there for hours, they were so moved by how much he
wanted a chance that they relented and gave him a part. Although he
appeared for a couple of minutes (as an extra), it gave him that
first breakthrough he was after.

Unfortunately, that experience was followed by yet another string
of unsuccessful attempts at getting another acting job. At that
point, his wife told him to give up his 'stupid dream' and get a
real job.

His reply was, 'If I get another job, I would lose the only thing
I have got going for me...my hunger.' 'By quitting and getting a job,
I would be selling out on my dream'.

Stallone eventually wound up so broke and desperate that he was
forced to sell his dog for $50 in order to survive. It was the
saddest moment in his life because his dog was the one friend he
had got left.

At this, the lowest point in his life, he watched a boxing match
between then world heavyweight champion Muhammed Ali and Chuck
Wepner, an underdog that everyone thought would be defeated within
three rounds.

What no one expected was Wepners' determination and tenacity. He
lasted the total of fifteen rounds with Ali, just refusing to go

Sly was so inspired by what he saw that he had visions in his head
about a movie that he was going to write. He started writing
profusely for 72 hours non-stop until he finished the manuscript
for 'Rocky'.

He was so excited by the script because in his mind he knew that
this was going to be the movie that would change his life and his

But when he went round attempting to sell his script, everyone felt
that it was too predictable and that nobody would be interested in
watching a movie about boxing.

But he didn't give up. He kept on going and going until one company
made him an offer of 125,000 for the script and the rights to make
the movie. This should have made Sly overjoyed but his dream was to
be an actor and not a writer.

So, he told them that the condition of sale was that he be cast as
the lead actor. They objected saying, 'You're a writer! you're not
an actor!' 'There is no way we will let you act!'

But Sly stood his ground and refused to sell the script if he
wasn't the lead actor. They even increased their offer to $250,000,
but Sly kept insisting that he fitted the role of 'Rocky', and no
one else.

Although he was broke and hungry, he refused to sell out his dream
for a six-figure pay check. That was his level of commitment!

Eventually they reluctantly agreed, on the condition that the movie
be made on a shoe string budget of less than a million dollars and
Stallone would get only $35,000 for the writing, directing and
acting. Sly would however, get a percentage of the profits, if the
movie made money. He agreed immediately.

The first thing Sly did when he got his money was to go in search
of the man who bought his dog to buy it back. When he finally
tracked down the man, he offered to buy his dog back for $100.

The man declined his offer saying that he was not interested. Sly
upped his offer to $500. Still the man refused. Sly again upped his
offer, this time to $1000. The man still would not budge saying,
'No amount of money will ever convince me to sell this dog.'

While most of us would give up at this point, Sly knew that if he
was committed to do whatever it takes, he would find a way.
Eventually he did get his dog back. He paid the man a whopping
$15,000 and also gave him a part in the movie as part of the deal.

When Rocky was launched at the box office, it grossed over $225
million and was nominated for ten academy awards (including best
actor), eventually winning an Oscar for Best Picture & Best

Sylvester instantly shot to fame as an action star and lucrative
offers came in for future blockbusters, which were to eventuate in
First Blood, Rambo and the Rocky sequels.

His eventual success came from the fact that to him, becoming an
actor was truly a must. He believed that when you are committed
enough, there is always a way!

To Your Success,

Adam Khoo

PS. Whew! That was a long newsletter email, but I'm sure you'll
agree that it was great

©2008 Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group. All Rights Reserved

Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group Pte Ltd,
10 Hoe Chiang Road, #01-01 Keppel Towers, Singapore 089315

Jim Rohn Movie


fromJim Rohn
reply-toJim Rohn
dateWed, Jul 9, 2008 at 7:55 AM
subjectJim Rohn Movie

hide details 7:55 AM (14 hours ago)

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At the end of this content-rich audio class I'll share details on how you can train side-by-side with me, for a solid 7 days, to help you break through all those ridiculous barriers that keep you from achieving the success you want and deserve.

Wishing you Joy and Success,

America's Success Coach

CEO, Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprises

What Other Leaders are Saying About Jack Canfield

To purchase the full-length program click here

What Other Leaders are Saying About Jack Canfield

Brian Tracy

"Jack Canfield is one of the most insightful speakers and teachers in the world today. After you have spent time with him, internalizing his ideas and insights, you will be changed in a positive way for the rest of your life."

- Brian Tracy
author of Million Dollar Habits, and The Traits of Champions

Anthony Robbins

"Canfield's principles are simple, but the results you'll achieve will be extraordinary!"

- Anthony Robbins
author of Awaken the Giant Within and Unlimited Power

Harv Eker

"Jack Canfield is a true master. He understands what it takes to lead a successful life, and in The Success Principles he puts all the key elements together in one place for the rest of the world to see."

- T. Harv Eker
author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Kathy Smith

"The Success Principles will inspire and empower you to lead a more fulfilling life. Get ready for some changes with this book!"

- Kathy Smith
A leading force in American fitness and wellness

Michael Gerber

"Jack Canfield is a Master of his medium, giving people who are hungry for more life the wisdom, insights, understanding, and inspiration they need to achieve it."

- Michael E. Gerber
author of The E-Myth book series

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Jack Canfield

As the beloved originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, Jack Canfield fostered the emergence of inspirational anthologies as a genre - and watched it grow to a billion dollar market. As the driving force behind the development and delivery of over 100 million books sold through the Chicken Soup for the Soul® franchise, Jack Canfield is uniquely qualified to talk about success.

Behind the empire Time Magazine called the "publishing phenomenon of the decade" is America's leading expert in creating peak performance for entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, managers, sales professionals, corporate employees and educators. He is a compelling, empowering and compassionate coach who for the past 30 years has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals achieve their dreams.

Affectionately known as "America's #1 Success Coach", Jack has studied and reported on what makes successful people different. He knows what motivates them, what drives them, and what inspires them. He brings this critical insight to countless audiences internationally --- sharing his success strategies in the media, with companies, universities and professional associations in over 20 countries around the world.

Jack is a Harvard graduate with a Master's Degree in psychological education and one of the earliest champions of peak-performance, developing the specific methodology and results-oriented activities to help people take on greater challenges and produce breakthrough results.

He's personally taught millions of individuals his unique and modernized formulas for success and has packaged them in his latest book The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. This new self-improvement standard contains 64 powerful principles of success utilized by top achievers from all walks of life and all areas of commerce. The Success Principles - and the entire empire of "Principles" books, products, coaching programs and branded retail merchandise - is Mr. Canfield's next offering to the more than 100 million readers he currently reaches worldwide.

Mr. Canfield's other best-selling books - The Power of Focus, The Aladdin Factor, and Dare to Win, - have generated millions of bookstore and Internet sales, and have launched complementary products such as audio programs, video programs, corporate training programs and syndicated columns to enthusiastic corporate buyers. His audio program, Maximum Confidence, has sold more than 350,000 copies through Nightingale-Conant alone.

He is Founder and Chairman of the Canfield Training Group in Santa Barbara, California, which trains entrepreneurs, educators, corporate leaders and motivated individuals how to accelerate the achievement of their personal and professional goals.

Jack is also the founder of The Foundation for Self-Esteem in Culver City, California, which provides self-esteem resources and trainings to social workers, welfare recipients and human resource professionals.

Jack is the CEO of Chicken Soup for the Soul® Enterprises, a billion dollar empire that encompasses licensing, merchandising and publishing activities around the globe. Jack's nationally syndicated newspaper column is read in 150 papers worldwide, and the Chicken Soup for the Soul® radio shows are syndicated throughout North America. Jack is also syndicated columnist through King Features Syndicate and is a popular news subject featured not only in major trade publications, but in every major metro newspaper across America and in hundreds more around the globe.

Chicken Soup for the Soul® has also been a featured television program for both the PAX and ABC networks. Additionally, the company's licensing division produces dozens of top-selling items including Chicken Soup for the Soul® nutriceuticals, pet foods, greetings cards, music, collectibles and other licensed merchandise. A Chicken Soup for the Soul® magazine also launched in the summer of 2005.

Jack's background includes a BA from Harvard University and he also holds a Masters degree in Psychological Education from the University of Massachusetts and a Honorary Doctorate from the University of Santa Monica, Parker College of Chiropractic and St. Ambrose University. Over the past 30 years, he has been a psychotherapist, an educational consultant, trainer and a leading authority in the areas of self-esteem, achievement motivation and peak performance.

Jack Canfield holds the Guinness Book World Record for having seven books simultaneously on the New York Times Bestseller List - beating out Stephen King. He even holds the Guinness Book World Record for the largest book-signing ever for Chicken Soup for the Kids Soul. And he's the only author to have won both the ABBY Award and the Southern California Book Publicist Award in the same year - honoring him as both an outstanding writer and a consummate book marketer.

Jack has also been a featured guest on more than 1,000 radio and television programs in nearly every major market worldwide - many of them on a repeat basis. A sample of these shows include Oprah, 20/20, Inside Edition, The Today Show, Larry King Live, Fox and Friends, The CBS Evening News, The NBC Nightly News, Eye to Eye, CNN's Talk Back Live!, PBS, QVC and many others.

What Other Leaders are Saying

What Other Leaders are Saying About Jack Canfield

Andrew Puzder

"Jack's message is simple, powerful, and practical. If you work the principles, the principles work. A must-read for those who want to create the successful life them dream about."

-Andrew Puzder
President and CEO, CKE Restaurants, Inc. (Carl's Jr. Hardee's and La Salsa)

Mark Hansen

"Jack is a master's master at peak performance training because he delivers the principles, exercises and depth of content necessary to breakthrough and unleash your own god-given potential."

-Mark Victor Hansen
Humanitarian, author and speaker

Hyrum Smith

"By bringing your actions in line with Jack's core principles and values you can achieve any success you seek, including inner peace."

-Hyrum Smith
Vice chairman and founder of Franklin-Covey

Peter Vidmar

"Jack Canfield reveals the specific methodology and results-oriented principles required for success and ultimate achievement. Whether you need to boost sales at the office, expand creativity, or create more balance in your life, Jack will pave the way to achieving your highest success!"

- Peter Vidmar
Two-time Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics and member of the U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame

Rhonda Byrne

"In creating the film The Secret, I studied the teachings of the greatest men and women in history. Jack Canfield stands among these greats as being one of the finest teachers on the planet today. His clarity and ability to reach all people with his words, is reflected in the many lives he has touched and inspired over so many years."

- Rhonda Byrne
Executive Producer, The Secret

Ivan Misner

"Hands down, Jack Canfield is one of the best facilitators and trainers in the world today. I have never seen anyone as good as Jack in taking his material and molding it into the needs of the individual or organization. He is absolutely the best in his field."

- Dr. Ivan Misner
Founder of Business Network International (BNI) and
New York Times Best-selling Author, Masters of Networking

reading BIBLE software

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    What does the Bible say about children becoming saved at an early age?
  • What is the eternal destiny of an infant who dies? Answer
    What are some of the guidelines the Bible gives us about infant death and eternity?
  • Is the new morality acceptable in Christian conduct today? Answer
    The new morality (“situation ethics”): is it really new?
  • Click for article. Sexual Abuse of Children - It's in the news almost daily. Learn more from a survivor, and find help and hope.
  • Need ANSWERS for your children's questions? See our answers for teenagers and answers for elementary children
Father reading to daughters. Photo copyrighted. All rights reserved.

Tips for better parenting

  • GOD - What can I do to make God real to my children on a daily basis? Answer
  • THANKFULNESS - Besides saying grace at meals, how can I teach my child to be thankful? Answer
  • BABYSITTERS - What is the best way to tell a baby-sitter what you expect—your rules and regulations? Answer

Potting training and bedding wetting

  • POTTY TRAINING - What is the best age to potty train my child? Answer
  • POTTY TRAINING - How do I get my child to use the potty without constantly reminding her? Answer
  • WETTING - What is a good way to handle a child who wets his pants during the day? Answer
  • BEDWETTING - What are the causes? Answer

Parental authority

  • SPOUSE DIFFERENCES - What if I don't like the way my spouse deals with the kids and I'd rather do it myself? Answer
  • EXCESSIVE PERFECTIONISM - How can I get my perfectionist husband to back off and not be so picky with our kids? Answer
  • AUTHORITARIANISM - What is the difference between being authoritarian and authoritative? Answer
  • GRANDPARENTS - Do grandparents who criticize the way you parent ever change? Answer


  • SPANKING - When is a child old enough to be spanked and how should it be done? Answer
  • NOT LISTENING - What do I do with two little boys who never seem to hear what I tell them? Answer
  • BULLIES - When someone picks on my child, should I tell him to fight back or turn the other cheek? Answer
  • TV AND MOVIE CONTROL - How do I say no in a positive way when my child wants to watch bad TV or movies? Answer
  • FEAR OF THE DARK - How can I help my child to trust in God's care when she is afraid at night? Answer
  • STEALING - What is the best way to discipline a five-year-old for stealing something from the store? Answer
  • HOMEWORK - How do you motivate a child to do his homework? Answer
  • PROFANITY - How do I correct a two-year-old who has picked up a blasphemous phrase and loves to repeat it? Answer
  • REALITY DISCIPLINE - What is it? Answer
  • If I haven't used reality discipline before, can I just start “cold turkey”, or should I ease into it slowly? Answer

Teen issues

Teen Qs - Christian Answers for Teens


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  • Fear, Anxiety and Worry - What does the Bible say? Answer
  • Why does God allow innocent people to suffer? Answer
  • Does God feel our pain? Answer
  • How can I spend my money more wisely? Answer
    Money, there never seems to be enough of it. Learn how to use your financial assets with wisdom.
  • Does the Bible share any wisdom about investing? Answer
    Millions of people are investing in the stock market, mutual funds, bonds, etc. Learn how to be a wise investor by following King Solomon's advice.
Kroll DevotionalEliszbeth Elliot Daily Devotional.
60-Second Daily
Elisabeth Elliot Daily
More of our parenting resources…
God's Story Online: From Creation to Eternity.
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The Story of Jesus for Children
The Story of Jesus for Children (DVD)

A family version of the highly effective Jesus film / The true story of the life of Jesus / Perfect for Easter, Christmas or any time of year (62 mins.) Learn more

Disclaimer: By necessity, not all of the answers provided are complete and exhaustive. Although all Christian Answers Network Team Member organizations are in close general agreement in their interpretation of the Bible, the individual views expressed are, of course, those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the views of all Team organizations.


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