Andre, Are You Committed To Your Success?

| show details Jul 4 (5 days ago) |
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Hi Andre,
Are you committed to succeed? That's right. Think about that
question. Are you committed to succeed?
Very often by asking people, "How many of you are committed to
succeed?" Very often not many people put up their hands. Only a
couple. But what I found out in life is this, in life only five
percent of people I've met, are truly committed to get the results
they want in life, and are truly committed to succeed.
Now, does it mean to say that the ninety-five percent of people
don't want to succeed?
Of course not, everybody wants to succeed. But the difference is
that ninety-five percent of people, they want to succeed; they wish
to succeed; they hope to succeed; they prefer to succeed; they
would like to succeed, they think that they should succeed, but
guess what they are not committed to succeed and commitment is the
difference that makes a difference.
So what's the difference? The difference is when you're committed
to do something, it becomes a must. It's not a should, it's not a
could, it's not a like to, it's a must. Because when something is a
must for you, you operate from a very different frame of mind. When
something is a must, guess what, you will do whatever it takes to
get it done, provided it is ethical, it's legal, and it's moral.
Unfortunately, many people don't work from this frame of mind. Most
people only wish to succeed.
So they only do things as long as it's within their comfort zone.
As long as they feel comfortable, as long as it is not too painful.
Every time you push them beyond the comfort zone, guess what will
they do?
They will keep within their comfort zone, give a lot of excuses and
say, "You know I can't do it because I don't have the time; I don't
have the energy; I don't have the money; I don't have the resources
I am not young enough". All kinds of excuses.
In the last ten, fifteen, twenty years of your life, have you ever
wanted to do something, but you kept putting it on hold and not
take any action?
At the same time, are there things in your life that you made sure
you had them done?
Why is this so? The reason these things got done was because these
things had become a must for you.
Whatever you really want to achieve in your life, make it a must.
So ask yourself this question truly, "Am I really committed to
To your success!
Adam Khoo
Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group Pte Ltd,
10 Hoe Chiang Road, #01-01 Keppel Towers, Singapore 089315
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