Hi Anddreee,
In order to understand how our intelligence can indeed be
increased, you must first learn how your amazing brain works. Our
brain's cerebral cortex (the top and central layers), which plays
the role for higher-level thinking is made up of about one trillion
(1,000,000,000,000) brain cells called neurons.
Since all of us have roughly the same number of neurons (plus or
minus a few million), we have the same basic neurology or
'hardware'. To understand how powerful the brain really is, you
must know how it compares to the processing speed of computers
which is measured by MIPS (millions of instructions per second)
An Intel Pentium III Processor (500 Mhz) is able to process only
1,354 MIPS. In comparison, each brain cell (neuron) can process
1,000 instructions per second and our entire brain has the
potential to process 100 million MIPS! Th is means that our brain's
potential is equivalent to 73,855 Personal Computers working
All of us share this same phenomenal brainpower and yet, we use
less than one percent of our true potential.
Neuro-Connections: The Key To Intelligence
So, if all of us have the same number of neurons (equivalent to
73,855 personal computers), then why is it that some students seem
to be more intelligent than others? Why are there some teens who
seem to grasp and remember academic concepts easily while others
struggle to try to understand and remember?
Th e answer lies not in the brain's neurology (or hardware), but
rather how our neurons are being activated and used (the software).
Twenty weeks after conception, our brain's neurons begin to make
connections with one another.
These connections are called Neuro-Connections. Every time our
neurons make a connection (known as a synapse), a new thought
pattern is formed. So the more neuro-connections we have, the more
intelligent we become in a particular area.
For example, if your child is good at Math and Science, it is
because the part of the brain that takes care of
mathematical-logical intelligence is very rich in connections. At
the same time, your child may not be very good at drawing, which
means that in the visual-spatial section of the brain, there are not
too many neural-pathways.
So, if your child is not strong at a particular mental activity
(like Math or memorizing facts), can he actually increase his
intelligence and abilities in that area?
Of course! Th e answer is by stimulating and challenging that area
of the brain, thereby creating more neuro-connections and
increasing his intelligence.
In other words, by doing more of something, you actually become
smarter in that activity! Th e brain is like a muscle. It grows
stronger the more it is used and challenged.
At the same time, when it is no longer challenged, it will
weaken...just like any other muscle in your body. Th is is why we
always tell our students that the only way to become great in Math
is to learn the right strategy and keep practicing it, until you
master it.
If you want to have a powerful memory, you must learn the right
memory techniques and keep practicing memorizing until you develop
a strong memory intelligence!
The trouble with most teens is that they do the exact opposite.
When they get confused or fail a particular subject (like Chinese),
they end up hating it and making little effort to master it. As a
result, they will never improve or they may even become worse at it!
To your parenting success,
Recommended Resources
1) Discover How To Transform The Way You Communicate With
Your Children And Nurture The Winner & Genius In Them!
2) Discover the *7 Steps To Financial Freedom* that will skyrocket
you towards financial success. The complete 12 audio CD course that
will cover everything you need to know about money:
3) Discover These Easy Habits That Only The TOP 1% Of Individuals
In The World Use To Become Extremely Rich, Successful, And Happy
In Life:
4) Discover The 6 Simple Steps That Pushed Me To Make $1,000,000
in less than 5 years:
5) How A Juvenile Misfit Who Got Kicked Out Of School Became
A Millionaire And Now Earns $549,078.40 A Year:
6) Discover the secret that transformed a hopeless underachiever
into a millionaire at just age 26... And how YOU can use this same
secret to achieve success in your life:
7) How A Former BANKRUPT Discovered The Secret Strategies To
Successful Options Trading And Now Makes Up to $22,368.60 A Month
From The Comfort Of His Own Home!
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