Hi Anddreee,
The first factor that affects how we feel at any given time is our
physiology. You know, physiology is the condition and use of our
physical body. Think of all the times when your body was physically
in pain, when you were sick. Did it affect the state you were in?
Of course it did. You might have felt frustrated or depressed or
snapped at people who you normally were nice to. You may have been
very easily irritated by something that normally makes you laugh.
You know when my wife experienced hormonal changes during
pregnancy, it did indeed change her state a few times a day. And it
is called mood swings, right? The way we use our physical body, as
in the way we move, stand and breathe, has a major impact on how we
So, let us do a little experiment right now. So, I really need you
to put your things away and really participate in this. I want you
to sit in a way when you were really depressed, you know, to get to
the really depressed state.
Think of the last time, you know, everything that could possibly go
wrong went wrong. And, I want you to sit and get into that state
right now.
Ready? Go! Go ahead into this depressed state.
Now, as you are feeling depressed, I want you to notice a few
elements of your physiology. Do you know what is your posture like
right now? Are your shoulders up or down? Is your breathing deep or
shallow? Is it fast or is it slow?
You know, which direction are your eyes looking in? Are the muscles
in your face tense or are they droopy? Notice the muscle tensions
in your hands and your legs.
If you are like most human beings, I bet your physiology will be
the following: You know, your posture would be shoulders down, head
down, and your eyes will be looking down and being defocused, your
breathing will be slow and shallow, the tone of your voice will be
the way I am speaking now, low volume, low pitch, the muscle
tensions will be relaxed, or slight tension a bit.
You see, every state has a specific physiology associated to it. In
order for us to get into a state called depression, we have to
shift our physiology in a certain way.
If not, it is impossible for the human nervous system to accept the
depressed state. We do it so often and subconsciously that many of
us have become experts at being depressed, have not we?
So power up you physiology right now and you'll snap into an
empowering state anytime!
To your success!
Adam Khoo
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