Hi Anddreee,
Now, let me ask you a question, "Have you ever experienced this
state of procrastination before?" Stupid question! Of course you
have! You know, procrastination is the number 1 killer of all
successes, the number one thing that prevents people from getting
It is when you know you should do something but you keep putting it
off. Have you ever had to start a project but kept doing everything
else that would delay you starting on the project? You know, you
clean your desk, you got to drink your water, and you walked
around, and finally said, "Ok, I will do it tomorrow!"
Has there been another time when you felt totally motivated in
doing that same project and just sat down and got it done? You
know, of course! The trouble is that it only happens once in your
lifetime, and never when we need to get it done.
But what was the difference? I mean, you were the same person, you
have the same resources available to you, but you are just in a
different state. You were in the state of procrastination because
the condition of your physiology and internal representation was
just at the same place.
Your breathing was probably slow and shallow. You know, your
muscles were droopy. Your eyes were looking down. Your facial
muscles were probably lax.
And how do you think you were creating your internal representation
when you were procrastinating? You know, what pictures do you think
you would see? You know, you would be probably seeing pictures of
yourself having a hard time, you saw yourself being overwhelmed,
and you saw yourself being frustrated.
And, one thing you were saying to yourself, what internal voices
were playing? You were probably saying things like, "Why must I do
this?" "Can I do it later?" in the most boring tone. The chances
are all these pictures and sounds fired off in your mind in a split
Did you do it consciously? No, you did not. It was the subconscious
pattern that was fired off every time you had to do something
challenging, and that is why you never got anything done.
On the other hand, when you were in a motivated state, and just got
things down so quickly, how did you create that?
It was because you were in a different state. Your physiology was
completely different.
You know, your body was different and you were sitting differently,
you were breathing differently, you were moving differently, and
you were probably representing your task very differently in
telling your mind, you know, you will be seeing yourself getting
results, you will see yourself having fun, and you will see the
task being done effortlessly. You know, you probably said to
yourself, "Wow!"
Well, what was the difference? I mean you were the same person, you
had the same resources available to you, but you were just in a
different state.
When you were in the state of procrastination, it was because of
the condition of your physiology and the way you were internally
representing the task.
Again, we hardly manage our states consciously. We never
consciously decide to shift our physiology and control our internal
representation just to control our states.
Instead, we let our own minds to run on autopilot and allow us to
loose control of our states and our results.
Don't do that! Take charge of your states today.
To your success!
Adam Khoo
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