Jack Canfield
to meThe Success Principles Mentorship Message #7
Dear andre,
In today's exciting segment of The Success Principles
Mentorship Program, get ready to learn the top technique used
by the world's richest businesspeople for earning vast wealth
and building successful businesses.
It's Principle #39: Stay Focused on Your Core Genius
And while you may not want to own a large business as these
folks do, you can certainly learn to hone in on what you do
best and delegate everything else. Successful people know what
they do best -- and they move forward by getting better and
better at it.
Imagine you're employed as a salesperson for a large
corporation, yet the paperwork part of your job keeps you from
doing what you do best...selling by phone or in person.
If you could approach your managers and convince them to hire
a part-time assistant to process your paperwork, that would
free you up to make them (and yourself) more money, wouldn't
It's the same with any tasks that keep you from doing what
you do best--or from doing what you want to do most.
Even stay-at-home moms can find helpers to take over the
difficult or tedious work so they can spend more quality time
with their kids. It just takes commitment -- after first
determining what you need to delegate.
To hear what Jack has to say about focusing on your core genius
and delegating what you're not good at, first download the
Delegation Exercise Form, then click here to listen to today's
audio lesson.
Download the Form:
Download the Audio:
Windows Media:
Real Player:
We'll see you tomorrow with another Success Principles message.
The Success Principles Mentorship Message #8
Dear andre,
Are you ready to hear about the one success principle that
most high achievers credit with bringing them success?
This is Jack Canfield and Janet Switzer emailing you to talk
about today's Mentorship topic...the mastermind group.
We know that many of the greatest minds in human history have
gathered around themselves advisors, experts, fellow scientists
and others to brainstorm, get feedback, ask for guidance and
receive the combined benefit of the spiritual energy that
comes from more than one mind working on solving a problem
and creating an opportunity.
Now it's time for YOU to benefit by forming your own group...
with the help of The Success Principles and today's
downloadable Mastermind Planning Tool.
Download the Mastermind Planning Tool here:
By following the simple directions on this form, you'll develop
a list of potential members to be in your group...you'll know
what to say to get them to join...you'll learn how to run your
very first meeting...and you'll even have your own planning
tool to make sure you get the most out of every meeting.
When you do contact prospective members, mention that you got
the mastermind idea from reading The Success Principles book.
You can even suggest, once your group begins meeting, that you
end each mastermind session with a "homework assignment" to
read one chapter from The Success Principles.
To purchase multiple copies for your mastermind group or other
success study group, click here: http://www.jackcanfield.com
Through masterminding, you'll discover others who can help you
achieve success faster and more enjoyably than you ever
thought possible.
We'll see you tomorrow with another Success Principles message.
The Success Principles Mentorship Message
Jack Canfield
to me08-10-2008
Dear andre,
Have you ever gotten involved in something that zapped your
energy, wasted your time and all came to nothing -- while at
the same time you watched a GREAT opportunity slip away
because you simply didn't have room in your life to pursue it?
This is Jack Canfield and Janet Switzer emailing to talk about
an amazing phenomenon that sometimes trips up even the world's
highest achievers -- getting involved in projects and
activities that take us nowhere, while projects and activities
that would bring us closer to our goal are left unattended to.
In The Success Principles (pages 296-298), we recommend saying
NO to the good, so you'll have time and energy to say YES to
the great.
Take a look at what you're involved in right now. Is it
preventing you from pursuing greater activities?
Worse yet, have you had to turn down great opportunities that
came your way because you were too involved in "ho-hum" or
"busy work" activity?
Take a look at the criteria we use to assess current activity
and future opportunities (you'll find it on page 297). Spend a
few minutes now reading this checklist with your current
activities and pursuits in mind.
Do you need to be saying "no" to the good in your life, so the
great has room to enter in?
And finally, answer the question: What could show up in YOUR
life if you said no to the good?
We'll see you tomorrow with another Success Principles message.
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